Gambling Effect On Baseball

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To what extent has gambling and its history in baseball affected the game itself? (Can the Black Sox and Pete Rose scandals be held to the same level) By: Samuel Alberti Word Count: Contents: Abstract……………………………………………….. 3 Introduction………………………………………….4 Investigation…………………………………………5 Conclusion Bibliography Abstract Introduction Baseball is a sport that evokes more nostalgia and has touched more people than any other in America throughout its history. Its rich history has seen it deemed as America’s “national pastime”. The game has met many challenges and seen much change since its inception as a professional sport in 1871 and has persevered through them all. One of the most notable of these challenges was that of gambling. Gambling was a issue in baseball that took from the credibility of the game, and almost brought it down completely. Gambling was notorious in baseball in its early years, however the two most notable…show more content…
Faith and trust were beginning to be lost. Their greed, and willingness to throw games on the sports greatest stage almost brought an end to the game like no other scandal before it. Despite there being some pity for the players in seeing that they were making comparatively little money and their owner was a very cheap man, it does not excuse disgracing the game in the way that they did. The scandal did create one positive, and that was a new strictness on the game in terms of gambling brought about by then commissioner, Kenesaw Mountain Landis. He created and paved the way for rules such as rules 21(d) “Any player, umpire, or club or league official or employee, who shall bet any sum whatsoever upon any baseball game in connection with which the bettor has a duty to perform shall be declared permanently ineligible.” Had it not been for his stern punishment on the infamous eight players, the game might not be here

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