Type 2 Diabetes Research Paper

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Diabetes is a life-long disease that affects the way a person’s body handles glucose in the their blood. According to the textbook, diabetes is defined as a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose resulting from insufficient insulin, ineffective insulin, or both. The complete medical term for diabetes is diabetes mellitus. There are many different types of diabetes. There is type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and prediabetes. Most people diagnosed, have type 2 diabetes, which is about 27 million people according to WebMD. A person with type 1 diabetes suffers because their immune system destroys cells in their pancreas, which are called beta cells. Beta cells are crucial because they make the insulin.…show more content…
Some complications that can occur are hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, neuropathy, skin, eye, and foot complications, gastroparesis, and kidney disease. Treatment for diabetes is different for each person who has the disease. Controlling blood sugar levels is a big part of preventing problems or complications with disease. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes have slightly different treatments. Type 1 is handled with insulin along with dietary changes and exercise. Type 2 is handled with non-insulin medications, weight loss reduction, dietary changes, and insulin. There are also many different types of insulin used to treat diabetes. Insulin is defined as a hormone that controls blood sugar (WebMD, 2015). These types of insulin are: rapid-acting insulin, regular or short-acting insulin, intermediate acting insulin, and long-acting insulin. The main difference between types of insulin is how long they last. Long-acting insulin can work for an entire day, while short-acting insulin takes about 30 minutes to start working fully and then lasts for up to 6 hours. Insulin moves sugar into your body’s tissues, and cells use insulin for…show more content…
Causes for type 2 diabetes are: genes, extra weight, metabolic syndrome, too much glucose from your liver, bad communication between cells, and broken beta cells. Your genes can cause diabetes because a person’s genes have different bits of DNA that affect how your body makes insulin and extra weight can cause insulin resistance. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. Metabolic syndrome means that people with insulin resistance have multiple conditions including high blood glucose, high blood pressure, extra fat around the waist, and high cholesterol. There are fewer causes for type 1 diabetes, but there are still main things that lead to it. Causes of type 1 diabetes are: family history, diseases of the pancreas, and infection or illness. Gestational diabetes causes are: obesity or being overweight, glucose intolerance, family history, and age. There are some steps a person can take to delay or prevent diabetes. The steps to take would be to manage your blood pressure, keep your weight near a healthy range, get close to thirty minutes of exercise a day, and eat a balanced

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