Shadowy Lines That Still Divided Analysis

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The American dream has been a self-motivator for a long duration of time. It is the ideal lifestyle that consists of prosperity and success. The belief is the more diligent a person is, the higher chance on becoming successful. Despite that faith, society is broken down into economical classes: the upper, middle, working, and lower class. In the article “Shadowy Lines that Still Divide” by Janny Scott and David Leonhard a controversy lies on whether or not mobility can happen depending on your social class, and if it still exists. The argument goes, even though there is some disparity between the upper and lower class, as long as there is equal opportunity the chance of moving up still exists. If that was the case there will be more success…show more content…
Wealthier families have many advantages in order for their children to prosper. “Parents with money, education, and connections cultivate their children the habits that the meritocracy rewards.” (Scott and Leonhardt 3). Being able to afford a home in the best school district can determine the quality of education a child is receiving. “ The scramble to scoop up a house in the best school district, channel a child into the right preschool program… are all part of a quiet contest among social groups that the affluent and educated are winning in a rout.” (Scott and Leonhardt 3). Parents of children who come from poorer social classes have less advantage of investing in their children because of social inequality. According to Scott and Leonhardt, “Because income inequality is greater here, there is a wider disparity between what rich and poor parents can invest in their children. Perhaps as a result, a child’s economic background is a better predictor of school performance in the United States.” (7). Having a disadvantage on school performances can reduce the chances of social mobility in a child’s…show more content…
According to Scott and Leonhardt, “More people are getting those degrees than they did a generation ago, but class still plays a big role in determining who does or does not. At 250 of the most selective colleges in the country, the proportion of students from upper-income-families has grown, not shrunk.” (10). Because the proportion of students from upper-income-families has grown not shrunk, this shows that the wealthy dominates over the rich and have a higher advantage on progressing their lifestyles. Money is as well needed for maintaining and advancing a healthy lifestyle; depending on your income affects the quality of your health and life expectancy. “Class differences in health, too, are widening, recent research shows. Life expectancy has increased overall; but upper-middle-class Americans live longer and in better health than middle-class Americans, who live longer than those at the bottom.” (Scott and Leonhardt

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