Truancy Problem

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Introduction The definition of the “Truancy” refers to the students in the absence of any legitimate reasons, or without the consent of parents and teacher, or did not apply for leave notice, leaving the school during the class time (Schaefer & Millman, 1988). Most of people may mix up the definition of the “Truancy” and the “School-phobia”, because they have obvious behavior like leaving from school, or not staying at school. However, the problem of “Truancy” is mostly attributed to the external factors, for example parents and school; while the problem of “School-phobia” is mostly attributed to the internal psychological factors (吳武典, 民 75). Nowadays, the problem of “Truancy” is increasingly common in Hong Kong and is an issue of arousing…show more content…
They mostly run away from school in order to avoid punishment or failure and seek for pleasure (吳武典, 民 75). The second nature is truancy is a bad behavior and causes some serious behavior, for example drug abuse, theft and gambling, because they may meet some bad friends like gangs (吳武典, 民 75). The third nature is truancy will cause a vicious circle to the students, using students who have bad academic results as an example, they run away from school in order to they cannot get identity from teachers and classmates, the academic results may get worse after they run away from school, therefore it will cause a vicious circle (吳武典, 民…show more content…
According to the Stages of Psychosocial Development suggested by Erik Erikson (1950), students are in the Adolescence stages, the task in this stage is to develop a sense of identity, for example “Who am I?”, and the development of the sense of identity is based on the peer system. If they cannot fulfill the task, they will have role confusion, they cannot have consistent sense of self identity, therefore this cause the problem of students run away from school (王壘,2016). Also, they run away from school due to they have lower self-esteem. According to the Five Building Blocks of Self-esteem suggested by Michele Borba (2003), there are some reasons showing students have lower self-esteem: Firstly, students do not have a sense of selfhood because they cannot accept themselves and identify themselves are unique in their interpersonal relationship, therefore this cause the problem of students run away from school (Borba, 2003). Besides, students do not have a sense of affiliation because they cannot get accepted and recognized, so they cannot feel connected with others and get self identity from others (Borba,
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