Patient-Based Sedation Practices

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Safe and effective sedation is an integral part of patient-centered care of the critically ill (Shehabi, Bellomo, Mehta, Riker, & Takala, 2013). Sedation practices should be focused on the use of medications which provide anxiolysis, tolerance for daily procedures (e.g., bathing, dressing changes), relief from the discomfort from essential lines and tubes, ventilator synchrony and an optimal safety profile while remaining economically feasible. Additionally, goal-directed sedation therapy has been identified as an essential strategy for improving outcomes in patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) (Shehabi et al., 2013; Mansouri et al., 2013; Anger et al., 2010). The most commonly used intravenously (IV) administered sedatives used in American ICUs are Diprovan (Propofol), a short-acting sedative-hypnotic agent and Midazolam (Versed), a benzodiazepine (Jarman, Duke, Reade, & Casamento, 2013). However, due to recent evidence that benzodiazepine use is linked to delirium, the 2013 American College of Critical Care Medicine's clinical practice guidelines suggest that non-benzodiazepine based sedation strategies may improve outcomes in mechanically…show more content…
The Knowledge to Action framework was designed to incorporate the development of knowledge and action into the concept of knowledge translation and (Graham & Tetroe, 2010). The knowledge creation aspect of the framework consists of three phases, which correspond to the steps in this quality improvement project. The first phase is knowledge inquiry (literature search), the second is knowledge synthesis (evidence-base recommendations/content validity) and the third is the creation of tools or products that further the translation of this knowledge into practice (guidelines) (Graham et al.,

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