Ethical Issues In Transplant Tourism

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1. Introduction Defined by Cohen (2013), transplant tourism is the travel of residents abroad to buy organs for transplant. Donors, recipients, and brokers are the three significant players in this issue. As the number of donors is very limited, people from mostly richer countries start to search for organs in the developing countries. However, the negative impacts of transplant tourism to ethics, donors and recipients can be far-reaching. Rather than only eradicate the bad practices of transplant tourism, prohibit the transplant tourism should be the ultimate goal. Therefore, the approaches including the increase of the local organ supply and combating organ trade through establishing a more comprehensive monitor system are recommended in…show more content…
Ethical issues involved in transplant tourism 4.1 Exploitation The ethical issues are worth discussing apart from the visible outcomes. Most of the donors are being manipulated and pressured by the brokers. Because of their ignorance and economic needs, they are easily deceived by the brokers. (Cohen 2013; Michigan State University, 2012) “This is a serious form of exploitation of impoverished people, whose bodily organs become market commodities to prolong the lives for the wealthy few,” said Professor Moniruzzaman. (Michigan State University, 2012) 4.2 Decrease of altruistic donation Another concern is that altruistic donation will decrease if the organ trade is allowed. Since the economic intensive will drive the donors to sell instead of donate their organs. (Cohen, 2013). In addition, the disagreeable stories of transplant create the fear that the donated organs may be exploited. Therefore, it also dissuades the individuals from agreeing altruistic donation. (Kelly,2013)Overall, there will be the reduction of donated organs and hence intensify the problems of organ…show more content…
Local governments can make the insurance coverage relating to an illegal transplant unavailable so as to discourage their citizens from engaging in transplant tourism. (Cohen,2013) Some suggested that global governance can help combat organ tourism. The influential countries like the US can play the active role in calling for attention to this issue and help setting up international regulations to crack down the organs trade. (Michigan State University, 2012) However, Ambagtsheer & Weimar (2012,as cited in Cohen 2013) pointed out that the local, national and international law enforcement Institutions is not the prior, but the awareness and expertise on how to detect. That enforcement can only be effective when the crime is exposed. Thus, a strengthened monitoring system should first be built. 6. Conclusion: Transplant tourism is a global problem that should be solved. International cooperation is still important but it needs to work with a more advanced monitoring system. Increasing organs supply through cadaveric donation can solve the fundamental problems of transplant tourism-organ shortage. “Realistically, organ trafficking will never be eliminated” (Michigan State University, 2012) Nevertheless, through this multi-modal strategy, it is still possible to greatly dwindle the transplant

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