Trace Metal Literature Review

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CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Properties of Trace Metal Trace metals occur naturally in rocks and soils which is derived from the soil parent material, but increasingly higher quantities of metals are being released into the environment by varoius anthropogenic activities. There are many anthropogenic sources of trace metal contamination affecting both agricultural and urban soils, such as from the application of the pesticides and fertilizer, road traffic, industry, waste incineration and so on. Metals element are chemically very reactive in the environment, which results in their mobility and bioavailability to living organisms. People can be exposed to high levels of toxic metals by breathing air, drinking water,…show more content…
These metals are mainly present in agricultural soils at low levels of concentration. Due to their cumulative behaviour and toxicity, they also have a potentially hazardous effect not only on crop plants but also on human health. Some metal are essential to plant growth, like copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn) can be toxic at high concentrations in the soil. Some metals have not been shown to be essential for either plants or animals, such as arsenic (As), barium (Ba), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), and selenium (Se), also are toxic at high concentrations or under certain environmental conditions in the soil (Slagle et al., 2004). Trace metal contamination has received the serious attention of researchers all over the world, mainly due to their harmful effects on living beings (Misra and Mani, 2009). Trace elements that are also called heavy metals are one of the most serious environmental pollutants, as they are problematic because of their toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation in the environment, such in soil surface, groundwater, water surface and so on.(Aruleba and Ajayi,…show more content…
Magnesium compound is abundant in the earth's crust. It is found in a various of minerals. Magnesium compound becomes available for plant use as these minerals weather or breakdown.(Gransee and Fuhrs, 2013). Magnesium deficiency or toxicity in soil and plants is common where the soil is not rich in organic matter or is very light. Heavy rains can cause a deficiency of plants to occur by leaching magnesium out of sandy or acidic soil. In addition, if the soil contains high amounts of potassium compound, plants may absorb this compare magnesium, leading to a deficiency. (Patterson, 2015) Magnesium has not been tested, but it’s not suspected of being teratogenic, carcinogenic, mutagenic. Exposure to magnesium oxide fume subsequent to burning and welding metal work can result in metal fume fever with the temporary symptoms like muscle pain, vomiting, fever, chills, and nausea. These usually occur about 4 until 12 hours after exposure and last up to 48 hours. Magnesium oxide fume is a by-product of burning magnesium.(Lenntech, 2015) 2.6.2

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