Diffusion Of Innovation Theory

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Rogers (1962) defined an innovation as an idea, practice or object that is perceived as new by the individual. Feder et al, (1985) defined diffusion as a process through which an innovation is communicated through a certain channel over time among the member of the social system. This theory helps to understand the factors that influence the choices an individual on adopting CA. It is the basis of understanding adoption. Grepperud (2003) defined adoption as a degree of use new technology in long run equilibrium when the farmer has full information about new technology. Van de Ban and Hawkins (1996) argued that adoption is a mental process an individual passes from first hearing about an innovation to the final utilization. In this theory, adoption…show more content…
This model iden¬tifies access to information as the key factor determining adoption decisions (Rogers 2003). In this model, adoption of innovations follows a sequence of stages: knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation. Knowledge is a stage in which a farmer gets information and knowledge about an innovation, followed by a persuasion phase in which potential adopters must be persuaded of the value of the innovation (Rogers, 2003:161-163). After persuasion, stage follows decision stage in which a decision is made to adopt or not to adopt. Adoption is seen as the best course of action available (Rogers, 2003) and adopters are considered rational (Mwaseba, Kaarhus, Johnsen, Mvena, & Mattee, 2006). Implementation is the fourth stage in which there is an evident behavioural change by using the new innovation. The implementation stage may involve a person putting an innovation into use, acclimatizing or reinventing the innovation to suit the local conditions. The final stage is the confirmation stage where farmers may either decide to continue if they are satisfied with the outcomes of implementation or abandon the innovation if not satisfied. A Model of Five Stages in the Innovation-Decision Process is presented in Figure…show more content…
Because the characteristicsof SWC techniques such as compatibility, complexity, feasibility and trialability (among otherfactors) vary with the local socio-economic characteristics of the farmer and environmentalbenefits, investment in adaptive research is needed to tailor the adoption of these techniques tolocal conditions (Erenstein et al., 2008). Pannell et al. (2006) divided the characteristics of technologythat lead to its adoption or non-adoption into two categories. These categories were based on the relative advantage of the technology that leads to two categories, its adoption or nonadoption.The categories were based on the relative advantage and the trialability of the technology. According to Rogers (2003), the relative advantage of an innovation refers to the perceptionof the innovation being better than the practice it supersedes. The relative advantage determinesthe ultimate level of adoption of most innovations in the long run and depends on the socioeconomiccharacteristics of the farmer and environmental factors of the innovation (Panell et al.,2006). The factors that affect the relative advantage of the innovation include its compatibility,cost, complexity and profitability (Pannell et al., 2006). The compatibility of an innovation refersto the ease with which an innovation can be adapted to fit the

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