Jewellery In India

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CHAPTER – II REVIEW OF LITERATURE The Indian gems and jewellery have passed through different phases, and have been influenced by different religious and cultural streams. The rich tradition craft is still relevant in the Indian household, and in many communities the use of craft is for artistic pursuits and as a source of occupation. Review of literature is the most simple and fruitful basis of formulating the research problems precisely. For this purpose the research has to review the works already done by the others. Relevant bibliographical reviews of studies are most useful to the researcher for formulating the problems precisely. Knowledge can also be acquired through studying some…show more content…
Untracht in his study observed major Indian jewellery forms and techniques, exploring Indian gems and jewellery as both an ongoing aesthetic spanning 5,000 years and a highly significant form of cultural expression. Sevdermish, Menahem, (1998) studied in their paper the rise of the modern diamond cutting industry in India and its impact on the global diamond trade. They examined that the modern diamond industry in India grew at a remarkable rate, which is 82 fold by polished weight and 249 fold by polished value. Today India accounts for about seventy per cent by weight and thirty five per cent by value of diamonds polished annually worldwide. India has had a profound effect on this trade because of the enormous quantities of small and low-cost diamonds manufactured…show more content…
For centuries, her gold and gems brought to her land both merchants and invaders. She told about the tradition, ranges, varieties, best known techniques and manifestations and an overview of contemporary jewellery. Mathur’s study is a glimpse of Indian jewellery in its totality. GJEPC (2007) Covers the data of duration since 1997-98 till 2006-07 on various products of gems and jewellery with additional information on merchandise trade of India from Director General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S) and world export data from United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). The book also highlights list of Harmonized System (HS) codes of chapter 71 pertaining to gems and jewellery along with the classification of HS codes specially pertaining to the GJEPC. Mukherjee, Ishita (2008) Dealt with an emerging global industry the gems and jewellery industry, which is on the way to a huge information. This industry is extremely global in nature. She told that gems and jewellery industry can be classified into various sub-sectors such as gemstones, jewellery and pearls. Over the years, the global gems and jewellery markets have been impacted by various developments like falling trade barriers, increasing competition, changing customer preferences and developments in technology in various areas. As one of the most traditional industries, it has exports of cut and polished diamonds remained on top position

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