Aspergillus Niger Literature Review

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CHAPTER # 1: LITERATURE REVIEW Gardnerj et al (1956) investigated citric acid production by mutants of Aspergillus niger. The strain of Aspergillus niger was improved by X-rays and ultraviolet irradiations and found that as compared to wild, the mutated strain give more yield of citric acid. They concluded that 80 % of the sugar fermented was obtained in aerated culture, whereas only 21 % was obtained with the parent strain. Banik et al (1980) adopted the chemical mutagenic treatment of Aspergillus niger for the improved production of humic acid. Ethylene imine was used as a mutagen for this purpose. The mutagenic strain gave 9.8g/l yield compared to 3g/l yield of non-mutated parental strain. Kiel et al (1981) reported the use of cotton waste as a carbohydrate source for the…show more content…
2003. Citric acid production from whey with sugars and additives by Aspergillus niger. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 2(10): 356-359. El-Hussein, A.A., S.A.M. Tawfig, S.G. Mohammed, M.A. El Siddig and M.A.M. Siddig. 2009. Citric Acid Production from Kenana Cane Molasses by Aspergillus niger in Submerged Fermentation. J. Gen. Eng. Biotechnol., 7(2): 51-57. Farooq. U., F.M. Anjum, T. Zahoor, S.Rahman, Z. Hayat, K.Akram and E. Ashraf. 2013. Citric acid production from sugarcane molasses by Aspergillus niger under different fermentation conditions and substrate levels. Int. J. Agric. Appl. Sci., 5(1): 8-16. Gardner, B.F., L.V. James, and S.D. Rubbo. 1956. Production of Citric Acid by Mutants of Aspergillus niger. J.gen.Microbiol., 14: 228-237. Gupta, M., K. Manisha and R. Grover. 2012. Effect of various media types on the rate of growth of Aspergillus niger. Ind. J. Fundament. Appl. Lif. Sci., 2(2): 141-144. HU, W., J. Liu, J.Che, S. Wang, D. Lu, Q. Wu, and W. L. 2014. A mutation of Aspergillus niger for hyper-production of citric acid from corn meal hydrolysate in a bioreactor. J. Zhej. Uni. Sci.,

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