Tourism And Economic Development

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Introduction There are several different schools of thought regarding best practices for economic development. Economic development is understood as the improvement of societies quality of life and economic growth through job creation, increasing wealth and obtaining a stable tax base in order for the state to perform basic functions. Economic growth is one critical aspect of economic development. American sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein introduced the world systems theory, based on the capitalist model in which he refuted the use of the term the “Third World.” According to Wallerstein there simply is one world and in our capitalist systems the international division of labor was the determining factor for the relationship between different…show more content…
The meeting concluded that while there is a distinctive link between tourism and economic growth it is not an automatic occurrence and growth depends primarily on whether the tourism sector is able to create links between agriculture and service providing sectors while increasing the development of roads, airports and other basic infrastructure needs. The UNTAD also stimulated that sustainable development was dependent on an individual states national strategy that would be able to circumnavigate the global economies ‘booms and busts’ which directly affects levels of…show more content…
Tourism is a multi-billion dollar enterprise that according to the International Labor Organization accounts for one in twelve jobs globally and since the 1960s has been considered to be a “passport to development and poverty reduction for the least developed countries and regions.” This idea that tourism results in positive development for the poorest of the poor is being proven to be more complicated than initially thought by scholars. Pro-poor tourism has weak links to multinational firms, like Hilton, that invest in the tourism industries of developing countries. In this context there is little emphasis given to increasing human capital on a board scale that would in the long term have a more meaningful impact on the economic health of the country. The majority of jobs available in the tourism industry require a low skill level so when the global economy is experiencing a “bust” phase the market in these developing countries in unable to carry them and they are unlikely to be able to find work

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