Toluene Case Study

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Toluene is often used as a solvent in car painting, so toluene vapor can expose the worker through the respiratory tract. Toluene can cause liver dysfunction, lung dysfunction, central nervous system, kidneys, skin, hearing, and vision. This research aimed to analyze the effects of toluene vapor exposure on blood toluene levels, liver dysfunction, and enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels. This research is an observational cross-sectional study. The population is car painting workers and administrative workers with a randomly selected sample of some 11 people for each group. Sampling of air toluene levels done with NIOSH method 1501 and analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Hydrocarbon Analyzer. SGOT and SGPT enzyme analysis was conducted using kinetic UV Methods. While the measurement of blood levels of toluene and SOD using ELISA method. The results showed that air toluene levels in car painting room is 51.7574 ppm, while the administrative room is 0.55735 ppm. The results using linear regression analysis showed a significant effect on toluene vapors exposure to blood toluene levels (β =…show more content…
The toluene vapor concentration has exceeded the threshold limit value required by the minister of Indonesia (2011) that is equal to 50 ppm. Toluene entry point into the body is through the digestive tract, respiratory tract, and skin contact. However, the main entry point of toluene into the body is through inhalation of 60%. Toluene which enters the body will be distributed through the blood then undergoes metabolism in the liver tissue. The resulting metabolites are benzoic acid. Benzoic acid conjugated with glycine forming hippuric acid and excreted through the urine. Toluene metabolism can also produce Toluene epoxide which is free radicals that can affect the activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (EPA,

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