The Importance Of Augustus

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I have a dream that one day we will build a statue of Augustus. Augustus was a great leader who has done much for Rome and it’s people. Augustus Caesar's statue should have a place in our city because he started Pax Romana, he had many great reforms and he was a great leader who led by example. All these reasons make him a significant part of our history and someone who deserves a memorial. Augustus had many accomplishments which changed the future of Rome and one of his biggest accomplishments has been Pax Romana. Pax Romana has been a key point in our history so far. In this time Augustus had managed to rebuild 82 temples using our money and even his own. This has helped our people closer to the gods and make it easier for them to go to the…show more content…
As Augustus once said,”I found Rome brick and left it marble.” Augustus is responsible for many of the advancements in Rome. He has ordered the construction of roads, aqueducts and community buildings(5). By making road networks he increased trade and travel and by building aqueducts he made it easier for our citizens to use water without traveling very far. He also allowed free trade within provinces which encouraged citizens to trade with our own provinces and not another empire.(6) By increasing trade, he had to keep a sound currency, which he did improve our economy. Augustus has helped our population increase by passing laws which encouraged marriage and the raising of children. This has helped our community grow and has given our people the opportunity to start a family in our great empire. Shouldn’t a great leader who listened to the people and increased our economy be rewarded? He has certainly been a very important part of our history and is considered a sacred ruler. Of course, we cannot deny that Julius expanded Rome’s territory with his addition of Gaul. However, Augustus’s reforms have helped make travel and trade more efficient which continues to positively impact…show more content…
While in power Augustus did much to heal the deep divisions prior to his reign.(6) Augustus has successfully ended the civil war that Julius started and turned Rome into an empire. This change was severely needed and has helped enter Pax Romana. When Augustus turned Rome into an empire he pretended that it was still a republic to help the people adjust to an empire. He did this because he cares about the people and their thoughts. This is why he would exemplify what it meant to be a good citizen. Augustus was a model ruler that cared about his citizens, more than he cared about life's comforts. Certainly, Julius had many reforms that were essential to Rome, However, Augustus ’s leadership as made Rome a more successful
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