Tobacco Smoking Case Study

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ETHICS The topic for this case study is the ethics of government policy in regards to a ban on advertising for tobacco smoking. On Feb 6, 2001, the Government of India announced they would impose a ban on advertising for tobacco smoking. Healthcare reports identified smoking tobacco was the leading cause of preventable deaths. Smoking tobacco caused cancer, lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema and chronic bronchitis. The increase in illness and death related to tobacco smoking prompted the Indian Government to propose a ban of all forms of tobacco advertising. Their intent of initiating such a movement was for the welfare of its citizens. In this paper I will summarize the view points in favor of the…show more content…
On record, India is the world’s third largest producer of tobacco with an annual output of 550 million kg. The first conflict of interest was unclear; why would the Indian government with the lowest per capita tobacco consumption in the world want to place an advertising ban on it. Furthermore, the integrity of the ban was in question. As outside tobacco industries were found to be a large “contributor to the State Exchequer and in 2000-01, it contributed Rs 8, 182 crore which was 12% of the total excise revenue and roughly about 90% came from cigarettes. The ban would only affect local tobacco companies. The competitor markets could advertise via internet streaming media and would be clear to broadcast their brands without legal repercussions. Finally, we review the effectiveness of tobacco-advertising bans worldwide. Findings within research were mixed. The World Bank reported that policymakers who wanted to place a ban would be effective only if all media and uses of brand names and logos were band from advertising. Other studies on the matter between bans on advertising and smoking showed that advertising did not appear to encourage people to smoke. According to researchers at the University of Helsinki, smoking among young people coincidently increased in Finland after the tobacco-advertising ban in 1978. I believe when the product on the market negatively impacts the health of millions of people that government policy makers should ensure that taxes are used for the society’s advantage. Society could benefit from anti-smoking projects to properly fund elementary schools, college campuses, and informational distribution on the harmful affects of smoking on the body. We see impactful commercials advertising a smoker suffering from the effects of tobacco
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