Naylor's Use Of Stereotypes In Thank You For Smoking

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Anti-smoking and tobacco advertisements continue to become more common in the media today. Advertisements try to warn the viewers of the effects of smoking cigarettes that may cause health damage. This is seemingly an inconvenience for tobacco companies, who profit from smokers’ addictions. In Thank You for Smoking, Nick Naylor, a spokesperson for Big Tobacco uses appeals to defend cigarette companies against a group of Senator’s movement to place a skull and crossbones sticker on all cigarette packages. Throughout the film, both Naylor and the Senators provide numerous cases of logos, pathos, and ethos in their debate over the notorious dispute of tobacco use in society. As Naylor was the Vice President of the Academy of Tobacco Studies, his use of Ethos can be found. Throughout the clip, Naylor gives arguments that seem genuine to support his reason. Nick Naylor’s claimed “I don’t see the point in a warning label for something people already know…” (Reitman & Sacks, 2006). Naylor’s thoughts seem to be that people should decide for themselves. In other words, it should be up to the consumer to decide whether or not to use it. The argument Naylor made can be related to his entire audience. He further enforces this in question, “Show…show more content…
When asked about this, he retorts “Gentleman, it’s called education. It doesn’t come off the side of a cigarette carton it comes from teachers and more importantly, our parents…” (Reitman & Sacks, 2006). Naylor points out his young son who is part of the audience during the hearing, “I look at my son who was kind enough to come with me today and I can’t help but think I’m responsible for his growth and development; and I am proud of that…” (Reitman & Sacks, 2006). In doing so, he most likely appealed emotionally to some of the audience when revealing his duty in parenting his

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