Koh Samet Case Study

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Has tourism on Ko Samet exceeded the carrying capacity Fieldwork on Ko Samet Candidate Name: Thomas Wildemann 3/12/2014 Contents Introduction 2 Methods of investigation 3 Quality & Treatment of data and written analysis 4 Conclusion 5 Evaluation 6 Bibliography 7 Appendix 8 Section 1: Introduction This Internal Assessment is to show if Koh Samet has exceeded its carrying capacity. Carrying capacity is the measurement of people in a certain region and if the surrounding environment can support the amount of people indefinitely. In this IA different aspects were measured to measure the carrying capacity, one of them was to view the amount trash and sewage on the island, another part was to view the reservoir capacity…show more content…
This beach was the hardest hit during the 2013 oil spill causing a lot of wild life damages. Sai Kaew beach is the longest and most populated beach on Koh Samet. It measures a total of 1km long. To the left of the image there is tubtim which is a smaller beach measuring only at 194 meters long. Sai Kaew is also the most populated beach with tourists and tourism related businesses. Au Wongdeuan is also one of Koh Samet’s long beach’s measuring at 564 meters. When comparing this beach to all the other beaches, this beach has the biggest encroachment rate was at certain moments of the day table and beach lounges would be half way into the water. Also this is one of the only beaches were the hotels don’t respect the 1 floor law and build higher than 1…show more content…
Au Nuan was virtually empty compared to Hat Saiw Kaew where everything there was overpopulated, a 900 meter beach with over 3000 furniture’s, 1000 tourists and over 60 businesses, this ruins the beach and can have a major affect in the future if the carrying capacity will continue to get pushed. We can also see that Koh Samet is not only attracting weekend tourists but also tourists who stay for the week or for 2 weeks, Koh Samet is evolving into a major tourist attraction but the level of development is not at the same pace which is bringing down the island and its reputation. Overall Koh Samet is on the brink of become an island over the carrying

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