Maslow And Skinner's Behavior Perspectives

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Home assignment – The perspectives In this case study there is a women who is called Anna who is almost 40 years old and has had a tough childhood. Her childhood consisted of her father becoming an alcoholic and her mother being very depressed. She lived in the poorest part of the city and she had three younger siblings that became her responsibility to take care of due to her family situation. Anna was raped at the age of 16 which led her to have an abortion and then her father died when she was 17. She later married an older man after 4 years to assure that her siblings would be fine. She later divorced her husband due to that he became an alcoholic and become very violent. All the men she had every been with have been very brutally with…show more content…
This theory was created by famous psychologists as John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner. The behavioural approach is universally used in therapeutic context to help a patient learn new skills and behaviours.10 There are two types of behaviourism which are called classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Then there is the humanistic perspective give’s special importance to the study of the whole person. Humanistic psychologists admitted that an individual's behaviour is associated to their inner feelings and their self image. Two famous psychologists are Maslow and Roger who brought up humanistic theory. They believed that an individual's behaviour is for the most part driven by his/hers understanding of the world around him/he and individuals are not only the result of their environment.11 I don’t believe there is enough evidence to use these perspectives for Anna’s case because the behavioural perspective focuses more on someone needing to change their way and learns new skills. I also don’t think there is enough evidence in the humanistic perspective because this perspective reaches for very high results which Anna won’t be able to complete compared to Maslow’s

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