Compare And Contrast Piaget And Child Development

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Introduction Developmental psychology makes an attempt to comprehend the types and sources of advancement in children’s cognitive, social, and language acquisition skills. The pioneering work done by early child development theorists has had a significant influence on the field of psychology as we know it today. The child development theories put forward by both Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson have had substantial impacts on contemporary child psychology, early childhood education, and play therapy. In this essay, I aim to highlight the contribution of these two theorists in their study of various developmental stages, the differences and similarities in their theories, and their contributions to the theory and practice of play therapy. Jean Piaget Jean Piaget was born in Switzerland in 1896. His interest initially lay in natural sciences, which he studied before his interests moved to psychoanalysis. He later moved to France, and had three children, who were the subjects of many of his observations regarding cognitive development (Kindersley, 2012).…show more content…
" A schema is a representation in the mind of a set of ideas, perceptions, and actions, that provide a mental structure to help us organize our past experiences, and prepare us for future experiences." (Kindersley, 2012, p.266). Through the learning process, children change their schemata by adapting, due to assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation adds new information to the existing schemata while adaptation modifies new information into the schemata. Ideally, there is balance between assimilation and accommodation to ensure equilibrium (Shaffer, 1999). Four Stages of Cognitive Development The four stages of Piaget's cognitive development theory are divided based on approximate age groups, and the abilities that accompany them. 1. Sensorimotor

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