Thinking Problems In Strategic Marketing

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Theoretical Analysis The main problem in strategic marketing is the giving standard, stereotyped solutions. Most of the managers even well-educated ones have problems with adaptation on problem solving. As it mentioned in article for a years in most literatures and articles strategic shows standardized solutions and it becomes obstacle for being creative and flexible in clarifying problems. During the analyzing article of Dale Fodness we will try to find solution ways of the strategic marketing. According to the Dale Fodness the main way of the solution problems in Strategic marketing is Strategic Marketing Thinking. According his article Strategic Marketing Thinking consist of 4 main parts: 1. Thinking Strategy, 2. Strategic Decision…show more content…
Embrace orthodoxy. We can explain this type as a Vertical marketing. A vertical market is any market where demand stems exclusively from a specific industry or demographic. We can say that Vertical Marketing some kind of, customer attracting way. For example, company is producing doors for refrigerator, but in the market there is no need to them or customers doesn’t have enough income to buy it. It is very unsuccessful for company. That is why before entering to the marketing company has to advertise its products. Challenge orthodoxy. Another way to approach thinking and problem‐solving is laterally. Lateral thinking, popularized by Edward de Bono (1970). As we said, vertical thinking not so colorful way to clear up the problem. We can say that Lateral thinking and vertical thinking are opposite. Lateral thinking is not usual way, but this way is very creative and bright way. But it doesn’t mean that Vertical way is worse that Lateral. Because in every stage we use different type of thinking. What is the issue, if we want to find new opportunities , new solution ways it will be good to use Lateral thinking. Procter & Gamble (P&G) is a best example in this case, which after 2000s they changed their Virtual marketing strategy to Lateral thinking…show more content…
We will describe some key competencies of strategic thinking which are very useful for strategic thinking. 1. Discerning alternate realities. For example, Sony took a look at the computer gaming industry and saw that the market leaders thought about their customers as kids and geeks, their products as high tech hardware and their competitors as other electronics manufacturers. By reframing their thinking about the marketplace to focus on customers’ life style rather than their age, the customer experience rather than the hardware, and interactive entertainment rather than technology, Sony is now the market leader. 2. Asking the right questions at the right time. The company has to analyze its situation in the market every time. It must take into account customers’ demand. Company must follow all changes in the market – technology, economy, demography and etc. We can call it flexibility also. For example, At one time, Nokia was the leader of the for a years. But after 2004 it started to lose its place in the market. Because, Nokia didn’t took into account consumer demands and

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