The Use Of Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Imagine a society where the base of their national government was propaganda. In Animal Farm, George Orwell uses propaganda to show the manipulation of language, changes in policies, and rumors that occurred during the Russian Revolution. “Propaganda is the considered action of spreading information and or rumors” (Darrow). Karl Marx was the original founder of communism. His ideas and beliefs of a “classless society” later contributed to the Russian Revolution (Study Guide: George Orwell Animal Farm 9). Marx’s is represented by old Major in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, he inspires his comrades to rebel against the useless farm owner Mr. Jones and overtake the farm. Published after World War II, the book proposes the dangers of the dictatorship led by Russia’s dictator Joseph Stalin (“Animal Farm Background”). Joseph Stalin became such a powerful dictator by the use of manipulation of language, rumors, and changes in policies. All of these topics are clearly illustrated in Animal Farm. “The others said that Squealer could turn black…show more content…
Early on Napoleon amended Snowball for his plans on the windmill. Though he said this, what he was truly doing was creating untrue rumors in order to make the animals believe that getting rid of Snowball was the best decision. Squealer said “…Snowball, who, we now know, was no better than a criminal” (Orwell 69). Although the animals expressed their gratitude towards Snowball for his bravery at the battle, Snowball quickly fired back stating “bravery is not enough” (Orwell 70). In the days following the destruction of the windmill Napoleon was looking for anyone to blame. Coincidently snowball was the main suspect. “The pigs were in touch with Snowball ever since his expulsion, that they had collaborated with him in destroying the windmill.” (Orwell 92) As a punishment for a so-called crime the pigs that where supposedly collaborating with Snowball where
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