Pelotero: The Dominican Prospects

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According to the film, “Pelotero”, about twenty percent of baseball players in the United States are from the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is a poverty-stricken Hispanic nation where baseball is the escape for most young teens who are in poverty. Agents and searchers travel to the Dominican to look for the next top prospect eligible for the Major League. Once a potential pelotero is found, he can sign with an American team and make his dreams into reality once he is ready and has meant the requirements. Some of these boys have been taken out of school just to become a baseball player for an American team, which implies how desperate these kids are to get out of poverty, Joining the Major League is the only hope for the penurious Dominican teenage boys in making their lives better than before. Although it may seem beneficial for the Dominican boys to find getaway from poverty by playing baseball, there are some downsides to the situation.…show more content…
According to the article, “Struck by Béisbol” by Sean Gregory, “These trainees find prospects, sometimes as young as 11 or 12 years old, and tutor them in baseball so they can be signed once they turn 16. Buscones often pull kids out of school…to focus them on baseball” (“Struck by Béisbol”, Gregory). This means that buscones, or searchers, compel adolescents in the Dominican have to give up education for baseball to make money. In the film, Jean Carlos Batista and Miguel Angel Sano did not go to school because they spent all of their time practicing baseball with their coaches. This implies that some people have their future and destiny controlled by other people, not themselves. Also, even a few risks have been taken when talented prospects sign up for the Major

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