Petrarch's Letter To Posterity

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Petrarch was one of the earliest scholars in the Renaissance to bring recognition to the true features of classical Latin works and poetry. He viewed that the future of classical scholarship depended on the recovery and understanding of Greek works and their application to the modern world. With this came a need for the reconciliation of Pagan and Christian works as pieces of knowledge and not contradictor texts meant to divide. His humanistic views of intellectual independence and widespread study of antiquity help shaped much of the Renaissance that would continue long after his death. Petrarch’s written letters provide an insight into the thoughts and opinions of this revolutionary thinker and the foundational thoughts of humanism in the modern era. In Letter to Posterity Petrarch provides an autobiographical summary of his life and achievements along with how he wishes to be remembered as scholar. His knowledge and connection to antiquity is immediately apparent in this piece when he makes a comparison to the Roman lover of luxury Apicius. Stating his simple life of scholarship and distaste for pageantry has brought him a more fulfilling life than one of excess and…show more content…
In choosing to climb the mountain for no purpose other than to see what “it had to offer” Petrarch takes a step away from historical scripture and accepting things at face value. In doing so he demonstrates his desire to learn truths about the world and existence through secular experiences instead of in a church setting. After his accent though he quickly shows his strong faith by entering into deep thought towards St. Augustine’s Confessions and concluding that the true path to enlightenment is not climbing the “mountain” but existing in a state of inward reflection devoid of extravagant worldly

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