Theory Of Employee Involvement

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The chapter of Involvement aims to give an overview of the phenomenon of involvement. Firstly, the term of involvement is explained as it is one of the most important parts of this thesis. Furthermore, the typologies of involvement are discussed. Finally, the chapter ends with a discussion regarding involvement. To begin with, as employee involvement is concerned, it is essential to clarify what the term of ‘employee involvement’ stands for. The term has been used in the literature on organizations to refer to individuals’ attachments to both organizations and their jobs (Ashkanasy, Wilderom, & Peterson 2000). Lodahl and Kejner (1965) provide an explanation of job involvement as ”the degree to which a person’s work performance affects his…show more content…
Formal employee involvement relates to a system of rules introduced or admitted to the organization (Dachler, Wilpert, 1978). In contrast, informal involvement is an agreement made in an everyday life. For instance, a quality circle policy or a gain- sharing program are a formal form of employee involvement; while, when employees are allowed to made decisions related to their work by supervisors or mentors could be an example of informal involvement (Dachler, Wilpert, 1978). The second dimension identified is direct and indirect involvement. Direct involvement refers to immediate personal involvement of organizational members. This is most often face-to-face involvement where workers can have an immediate or direct and personal impact (Dachler, Wilpert, 1978). As for indirect involvement, it includes employee representation in which his or her representative is involved rather than the employee interacting. An example of direct involvement is quality circles; indirect involvement includes worker councils or an employee at the Board of Directors (Dachler, Wilpert,…show more content…
Level of access relates to the organization members’ influence regarding decision-making process (Dachler, Wilpert, 1978). The authors distinguished the following types of access: first, employees are not given any information about a decision; second, employees are informed about a decision beforehand; third, employees can give their opinion regarding a decision; fourth, employee’s opinions are valued and considered; fifth, employees have an authority to veto a decision either positively or negatively; sixth, the decision-making process is completely in the hands of the employees and no limitations are employed (Dachler, Wilpert,

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