Theories Of Developmental Supervision

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4A According to Glickman, Developmental Supervision is viewed as a function and a process rather than a role or position on leadership for the improvement of instruction. The underlying theories states that; • Since Teachers have varied experiences and personal backgrounds they operate at different professional development levels; • Teachers need to be differently supervised hence they operate at differing levels of thought, ability and effectiveness. • As teacher’s ability to grow toward higher stages of thought increases, the long – range goal of supervision should be increases too. There are three phases of supervisor’s task. In phase 1 – Diagnostic – In diagnostic, supervisors talks with the teachers and asking questions as well…show more content…
Teachers report feeling connected to colleagues and supported by them even in challenging urban context. They also describe feeling that they belong to a team and fulfilling a mission together. Teachers needed structures such as strong teams where they can cultivate their emotional resilience. The emotions that kept them engaged for a long time in a difficult endeavour are the same emotions that are activated in this kind of context. If team building is a success, then people learn from each other. They accomplish far more than would be possible alone. People inspire and challenge each other, as where individual's strengths can be exploited, and that they need not to do the stuff they're not so good at. This is an efficient approach especially in undertaking a huge project like transforming a…show more content…
This applies to every single unit within the school, from the department to facilities and premises. Team-building from the point of view of school leaders is all about getting relationships right. The first step to achieving their overall vision and ambitions for their schools is crucial hence it's about developing good relations between the leadership, staff, pupils, parents and wider community and not just a matter of appointing the right staff to the right jobs. 4D-2 Developing team building in our school is something to think about and to look forward too since we only a very limited personnel in the college department. But nonetheless adopting such activity will contribute to the improvement of instructions as well as relationships. On how to build a successful team according to Pat Sanaghan, from hi book “ 6 Powerful Ideas for Building a First-Class Team on
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