Essay On Labour Law In Malaysia

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Labour law is the body of rulings pertaining to working people and their organization, including trade unions and employee union, enforced by government agencies, there are two categories of labour laws; collective and individual. Collective labour law involves relationships between the union, the employer and the employee. Individual labour law involves concerns for employees’ rights in the workplace. Labour laws first became standard during the Industrial Revolution and it also called employment laws. One of the law in Malaysia Employment Act 1955 is 60E.(1) An employee shall be entitled to paid annual leave of around eight days for every 12 months of continuous service with the same employer if he or she had been employed by that employer for a period less than 2 years. And also the employees must get at least twelve days for every 12 months continuous service with the same employer if he or she has been employed at least 2 years or more but not more than 5 years and who had employed by the that same employer for a period of 5 years or more will get 16 days leaves for every 12 months continuous service with same employer. But if he or she has not completed 12 months of continuous service with the same employer during the year in which his or her contract of service terminates his or her entitlement to paid annual leave shall be in…show more content…
And the Ethics is mean that in the field of hiring, staffing and recruitment is based on a combination of things and it depend on who is actually involved in the hiring process. Normally, the job searcher, hiring manager and recruiter are just three possible people involved in a hiring

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