The Warehouse Case Study

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The Warehouse A1.3 Part 1 Explain how various groups have contributed to the goal of inclusiveness in Canada Women’s Rights Politics/ Right to vote The major political movement around women’s rights was from 1850 to 1930 In Ontario in 1850, women could vote for school teachers, principals etc… several other provinces adopted this soon after The Wartime act in 1917 allowed women who had family fighting overseas better rights and the right to vote A bill was passed in 1918 allowed women better rights and freedoms On May 24, 1918 women were given the full right to vote The first female person elected into the Ontario Parliament was Agnes Macphail Gender Equality Canada has been a leader in women’s rights for years In 1948, Canada joined the…show more content…
People have recognized this and since then a lot of progress has been made, when is the last place where there were no handicap spots for people in wheelchairs? There are also ramps at some places with stairs for normal people, like hockey rinks, or even the superstore.More than 53 million Americans have one or more physical disabilities. That’s about ⅙ of all people in America, which means, based on that, if you walk in any state of America, you would most likely see someone with a disability. As for canada, around 13-14% of all people (13.8 million people) had a disability.(as of 2012) Currently, 2 out of 10 adults have [some sort of disability, and the International Labor Organization (ILO) says that around 386 million workers all over the world have some kind of disability. handicap parking has been here since 1990, but it’s true roots are from the civil rights movements in the 60’s.In fact, in the past, disabled people had no protection from the law to enforce that disabled people got to park closer to the building. Nowadays almost all shops have handicap spots for people in wheelchairs and disabled people, and for you people who don't know, a handicap spot is a place reserved for people with disabilities.A person who parks there signals other drivers that they are disabled/can’t walk or they have a illness.Now in the 21th century there is an special day dedicated to disabled people.It is called disabled access day.Its where disabled people are encouraged to go out and try something new that has been

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