As I Lay Dying Religion Analysis

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Use and Misuse of Religion in As I Lay Dying "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you!" (Pulp Fiction). Just as Jules in Pulp Fiction invokes the name of the Lord before executions, the characters in William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying use the Lord’s words to justify their actions in society. William Faulkner…show more content…
Due to his belief that he is absolved from his sins, Whitfield believes himself to be forgiven even in the eyes of Anse Bundren (Bolton). This belief is foolish of someone who is meant to be a pious character. Whitfield seems to think if he has the forethought to apologize and confess that he will never have to actually go through with apologizing. This action alone is the opposite of what one expects of a Christian figure. Anse however never becomes aware of the adultery between his wife and Whitfield. Whitfield’s role in the community becomes increasingly ironic as the novel continues. Even the always pious, Cora Tull admires and respects Reverend Whitfield as a religious leader. That fact in it self should be the first clue that Whitfield is not all he seems. Whitfield has convinced these people that he is a perfect role model who needs to be followed. When in reality Whitfield is someone who clears himself no matter the circumstances. Throughout the novel Whitfield becomes increasingly hypocritical; however, people still seem to idolize him as a perfect Christian role…show more content…
All throughout this novel Anse demonstrates how he views himself in God’s eyes with statements such as, “Nowhere in this sinful world can a honest, hardworking man profit” (Faulkner 95). This is ironic because Anse thinks he is a honest and hardworking man. When in fact he is clearly dependent on others and selfish with his motives. This statement further shows how Anse views God’s role. With quotes such as, “ ‘I done my best,’ I says, ‘I tried to do as she would wish it. The Lord will pardon me and excuse me the conduct of them He sent me’ ” (Faulkner 92). Both Anse and Whitfield’s idle belief that they will be forgiven just because of their intention to do right. Both these characters view God as someone who will forgive them without doing anything to deserve it. Anse’s understanding of how God will treat him exemplifies his role as a

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