Data Warehouse Case Study

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Introduction Data warehouse (DW) is a repository of data that are extracted from heterogeneous databases of various departments of a business. Business intelligence (BI) are collection of methods and techniques that are utilised for analysing those data stored in data warehouse. The business decision makers make a business decision based on the data analysis. Thus data warehousing and business intelligence are related to each other. An organization requires data warehousing and business intelligence process for improvement of business. From small to large organisation can use the concept of DW-BI. Another concept is data mart which is a sub-set of a data warehouse. Data warehouse is a central repository of the whole organisation. Data mart…show more content…
It is also considered as a decision support system. Its fundamental objective is to show the exact and well organized picture of the business. William H. Inmon is the inventor of the term data warehouse. According to Inmon, data warehouse can be defined as “A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process.” Subject-oriented means a particular subject or area like “sales” can be analysed from data warehouse. Integration means integration of data from different sources. The term time-variant means, data are available in data warehouse from 3 months, 6 months or older data. The term non-volatile means the data in data warehouse cannot be altered. According to Ralph Kimball, data warehouse can defined in another way: “A data warehouse is a copy of transaction data specifically structured for query and analysis.” Kimball focused on functionality of data warehouse rather than how it is…show more content…
It deals with small or medium-sized enterprises by offering financing options to purchase or lease real estate property. This business was supported by four specialist programs. The first one is the sales system which was handled by sales representatives — they prepared offers for clients. The second one was responsible for keeping detailed information of customers and transferring information to the main leasing system. The third system was responsible for the setting of the repayment schedule, issuance of invoices and processing of payments. The fourth system housed book entries from leasing operations as well as all of the company’s internal operations. In addition the company also maintained Excel files which contained additional

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