The Value Of Globalization

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Nowadays, most people are affected by globalization. Every single day we are using globalization in the term of connection that makes us more comfortable and closely connected. Some people might not know what globalization means. Globalization is a modern concept referring to the improvement of certain elements to make possible interconnected among countries most significantly in the areas of global economic, technology, free trade markets and multinational operation. And no matter where we are at, we were able to get the news of information quickly and widely because of the development of information technology (IT). Despite, globalization makes people more comfortable in several ways by giving people more opportunities and increases the economic…show more content…
By increasing global commerce, providing fair trail and spreading the opportunity for everyone around the world. Actually, globalization has existed for a long time and constantly evolving. This helps people; especially business people to access through the internet and gets information around the world more easily without rely on government. According to the survey publics by Pew Global Attitudes Project (2007), in most countries, large majorities believe that international trade is benefiting their countries and people are living better under the capitalism. Base on the evidence from the past five years, with the support of free market it makes citizen particularly in Latin American and Eastern Europe countries having more satisfaction with income and perceptions of personal progress, has increased ostensibly (p. 177). Obviously, globalization is the promotion of customer values that focus on the perception of happiness, encourages people to develop themselves and makes this world to be a better place for everyone. From the result that mentioned above is just part of consequences of globalization, which are cause people to create a positive aspect of globalization. However, the topic of globalization is still a contentious issue in debates both in small and large…show more content…
The common reason, in the widespread people afraid to lose their traditional culture and notion identities those are caused by affectations of globalization. Apparently, globalization comes with change, which is a foreign culture. While globalization is widespread and extensive in many countries, it has caused the exchange between those countries in a several ways: trend, movies, music, and food; these are part of the culture product. Of cause, when something new arrives it may cause the original things to be forgotten or changed. For instance, in the case of a slow and sensual dance movement called the sarabande, the dance originated with music of the North African Berbers. From the past to present, sarabande has appeared in many countries from Spain to Americas then France, where it becomes a courtly dance (Ma, 2008). So, who actually owns this culture, no one knew. Meanwhile, import of international food might leads to negative reactions, while people become more interest on other international culture sometimes it might have a negative influence on traditional culture. For example, Starbucks coffee that has an impact on Italy’s traditional coffee culture (The Levin Institute, State University of New York, n.d.). Some people might think there is not a big problem, sharing of cultures is benefiting and developing the world. On the other hand, this is an issue
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