The Pros And Cons Of Native Americans

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Powhatan, the leader of the Native American tribe, always wanted peace between the Native Americans the Colonists (Dudley 16). The Native Americans offered to provide food to help the Colonists live, but the Colonists were still sending threats to the Native Americans. Although for multiple years, the Native Americans and Colonists would get into some arguments, they still lived in peace for those years until 1622 (Dudley 16). Natives Americans helped the English settlers survive if they would get peace in return from the settlers. The English settlers were sending threats to the Native Americans even though the Native Americans were still providing food to them. As stated above, the Native americans offered to provide food to the Jamestown…show more content…
Powhatan states on page 17, “I am not so simple, as not to know it is better to eat good meat, lie well, and sleep quietly with my women and children; to laugh and to be merry with the English; and, being their friend, to have copper, hatchets, and whatever else I want, than to fly from all, to lie cold in the woods, feed upon acorns, roots, and such trash, and to be so haunted, that i cannot rest, eat, or sleep.” (Powhatan as cited in Dudley 17). That quote describes that it's better to live in peace than in war. Nothing good comes from war. Powhatan insists that the guns and swords be sent away for peace and love (Powhatan as cited in Dudley 17). There is a quote in the article that Powahatan says, “Here comes Captain Smith”, and he implying that if everything crumbles and war does outbreak, that is what everybody would cry out (Powhatan as cited in Dudley 17). The last and most memorable quote Powhatan says is, “...and so, in this miserable manner, to end my miserable life; and, Captain Smith, this might be soon your fate too, through your rashness and unadvisedly.” (Powhatan as cited in Dudley 17). This quote is implying that their lives will soon end because of
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