The Pros And Cons Of Government Corruption

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Most people don’t worry about our government and what’s going on with our Government. Often, people think it’s not a big problem but once the nation starts to realize it they will want to something about, it might be too late. This is because people are fighting to make this world a better place. Unfortunately, other people are just doing it for the money. For example, government corruption not only can affect people it can affect in homes, jobs, citizens, education, awarrens, and many more, “In highly corrupt environments, firms likely employ a non-optimal (higher) number of workers due to a misallocation of talent, in accordance with Murphy et al. (1991) and Dal Bo and Rossi (2007). Some employees may be engaged in unproductive activities…show more content…
According to the article “Transparency International” it states, “One of the top solutions the community can do is make Protest and petitions. Events are a way for citizens and groups to come together in public to show large scale support for or opposition to a particular issue. Protests, marches, demonstrations and rallies can be a powerful tool for anti-corruption campaigners. A petition is a collection of signatures from people supporting your cause. That petition is then presented to decision makers – like government or education officials – that have the power to create the change you want. We have a good example at Transparency International. We petition people to sign our Declaration against Corruption.” Above all this is saying that if the nation gathers together the people can stop this problem. To add on according to Augusto Lopez-Claros article it states “ In some countries the use of online platforms to facilitate the government’s interactions with civil society and the business community has been particularly successful in the areas of tax collection, public procurement, and red tape. Perhaps one of the most fertile sources of corruption in the world is associated with the purchasing activities of the state. Purchases of goods and services by the state can be sizable, in most countries somewhere between 5-10 percent of GDP. Because the awarding of contracts can involve a measure of bureaucratic discretion, and because most countries have long histories of graft, kickbacks, and collusion in public procurement, more and more countries have opted for procedures that guarantee adequate levels of openness, competition, a level playing field for suppliers, fairly clear bidding procedures, and so on.” This is to say that right now mostly everybody uses technology and the community should make a website saying how to help stop this problem.

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