Barack Obama Life Writing Analysis

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American dream and life Writing in the light of Barack Obama’ Writings Life writing as a genre, serves the purpose of bringing to the public eye the lives of eminent personalities. The basic truth of life writing is that it deals with truth which ends up bearing the colour of fiction, with the passage of time and the change in perceptions. Retelling of lives, which forms the crux of Life Writing, is a conscious effort. Life Writing involves various forms-Memoirs, Biographies, Diaries, Autobiographies and so forth. Retelling of one’s own story involves the function of memory, which is not always accurate or entirely reliable. Recollection from the memory involves alterations and improvisations of actual life events. In fact, events of the past are viewed from different lens as the individual grows and with him, his perceptions undergo metamorphosis too.…show more content…
He believed that in this way all the Americans can attain success by dint of hard work and perseverance. It can be argued that Obama perhaps tries to explain that dwelling on the past and the unfinished cannot lead to new achievements. In order to attain the dreams in the contemporary times, the problems of the present are needs to be addressed and questions regarding the contemporary scenario need to be asked.Throughout the book, his narrative comprises all those words and arguments which he hears from potential constituents and those ideas form the backbone of this

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