Importance Of Good Governance

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Man is a social being therefore he forms society based on common morals. Every society needs governance for common good because in common good depends the progress of individual and society. That means governance is a direct need of individual and society. Governance doesn’t mean the forceful imposition of law but it means the systematic way of working that includes implementation of rules and regulations with a sense of moral responsibility. Meaning of Governance- in a general sense Governance means to guide or govern someone in a particular way for the attainment of a particular objective. To give him certain directions for doing that particular work. The good governance is required for making possible the objective in the most adequate…show more content…
Education- another essential of good governance for a government is to provide education to the children as well as to the adults by efficiently using the resources of the society. Illiteracy is becoming a major economic issue. According to the 2011 census India has a literacy rate of 74.04%.although it has increased by around 9% from that of 2001 but still the adult literacy is 62.8% .so it is required to improve it. In this the companies can play a major role in providing education under their CSR programs especially to rural people and improve their skills in specific works. 5. Good Governance is transparent- good governance should be able to convey what it wants to give to the people. In other way it can be said that people should be able to know why a particular decision is made and what benefit they are going to get from that decision. 6. Good governance is participatory- good governance should allow each and every one related to the decision to participate in decision making. Each and every point should be considered before final decision. What are the pros and cons of the decision should be taken into…show more content…
corruption- good governance has the biggest hurdle which is corruption. Not only in good governance in overall development, corruption the biggest hurdle. The structure of the government institutions and of the political process is very important determinants of the level of corruption. Corruption slows down development. A weak government increases corruption whereas a strong government decreases it. A person cannot freely govern if the system is corrupt. If there are many loop holes in taking a particular decision then that decision will be influential and not free and accurate. 2. Poor policy implementation- good governance can severely be affected by poor policy making. If the policy made is not accurate with the conditions prevailing in the country than its of no use. An example can be that of CSR only:- if a company plans to start a literacy program in Kerala as per its CSR policy than it may be a poor policy decision since Kerala is the state with highest literacy rate of 94.00% , instead of this if it will concentrate on environmental issues than it will definitely be a good decision since the problem related to environment is on rise. Suggestions for Good ‘GOOD
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