Title IX Pros And Cons

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Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity (Overview of Title IX). Title IX is not beneficial for academics, athletics, and victims of sexual assault. Title IX has a negative impact on the lives of many Americans, but others see Title IX as a starting point for controversy. Richard Nixon signed Title XI of the Education Amendments of 1972 into law. This law prohibits discrimination based on sex through most federally funded education programs and activities. The object of this law is to prevent federal money to support sex discrimination. Title IX also applies to any education or training program operated by a person receiving federal financial assistance (Overview of Title IX). The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights enforces Title IX, and other…show more content…
Collegiate sports do not need Title IX. Women are losing coaching positions to men. 90% of coaches for women's teams were coached by women; that number has dropped to 58.2%. Title IX brought an influx of women into sports, and more men sought the opportunity for a job (Benbow). Title IX gives more opportunities for women to participate in sports, but there are adverse effects. Schools must balance the budget for this law, and in the process programs are lost. (Lukas). Another adverse effect for Title IX is the economic inefficiency. In part due to caps not being placed on larger sports like football, as well as non-scholarship and walk-on athletes being included in Title IX (Irons, 42-43). College football, being one of the biggest perpetrators of handing out large scholarships, make the academic system corrupt. They grant recruits large scholarship amounts, as well as food and housing paid for (Jennings). Scholarships based on athleticism takes away the merit of earning an education; the main goal in going to

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