Urban Planning Principles

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Planning principles is the body of knowledge on how to plan different urban forms in a land to become a lively town or country. Urban forms are houses, shops, streets, etc. There are a lot of theories used around the world. All of them are an effort to modernize urban. Jane Jacobs too had a thought in the urban planning. In a book of hers, The Death and Life of Great American Cities cited her opinion towards the city. It was more about safety and security on the streets among the strangers. Not less form Oscar Newman, his planning theories were more on defensible spaces. In his book, Design Guidelines for Creating Defensible Space, he proposed that defensible spaces depend on the involvement of residents to reduce crimes and remove criminals.…show more content…
Residents in the neighborhood have the responsibility to guard not only their home but also the surroundings. The dwelling units or houses designed are near or adjoined to each other’s too, this helps in a better security and obtained higher ability of surveillance within the neighborhood. Milieu is the surrounding features that would affect security such as, a busy area or proximity to a police substation. The neighborhood is lively busy with pedestrians, old man practicing “Taiji”, children playing at the park, etc. This helps in surveillancing the neighborhood because there are many eyes watching on the street. Territoriality states that one’s home is sacred, protected or defended, therefore nobody should ever trespass…show more content…
When the criminals know that particular neighborhood is difficult to trespass because the residents are always on surveillance, they would give up committing crimes at that area. This will form a good image that criminals would never lay their hands at that neighborhood, therefore the area will be safe. 2.5 Private and Public Spaces Private space means a space or area that belongs to one particular person or group of people only. Public space means a space or area that belongs to everyone and is not possess by anyone. For land houses, all interior spaces of a dwelling unit and the ground around the private unit are within the private domain of the family. The semi private space is the front garden of the house, because although it is owned by the resident there is also an implied invitation for people to walk onto it, such as the postman. Usually people do not stay long at the semi private spaces, because it is owned and has controlled by the owner. In Malaysia, the houses are defended by fences, the area within the fences is owned. The area outside the fences, streets and roads are public spaces. (see figure

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