Examples Of Consequentialism

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TELEOLOGY (Consequentialism) Moral behavior is what we consider to be right or wrong. This can be influenced by many factors e.g. the society that one comes from, the religion one is in. Indians believe that there is more than one God while Christians believe there is only one God. According to morality they are all correct in there society and anyone who goes against their believes is considered no to have morals. Morality involves rules of conduct. Judgments containing an “ought.” Positive moral behavior is judged to be “good” and therefore we “ought to do” those kinds of things. Negative behaviors that are “bad” and therefore we “ought to not do” those things. In a nutshell, morality consists in urging ourselves and others to do some things…show more content…
According to consequentialist or teleology moral theory, all rational human actions are consequential in the sense that we reason to achieve certain ends. Moral behavior the is goal oriented. I have ice in my gutters right now. I am deliberating about when and how to get that ice out in order to prevent water damage our house. There are many means that I can employ to remove that ice end. Should I send my only worker, Eli, up on the icy roof? After careful consideration I finally decided not send him on the roof because of its slipperiness as he might fall. How I decided? I took into account the possible consequences. There is nothing inherently wrong with climbing on the roof. What made roof climbing the morally wrong thing to do are the possible result/consequences. The whole issue has moral significance as it affects persons. From a teleological point of view: human behavior is neither right nor wrong in and of itself. What matters are consequences of those actions in any given context? Thus, it is the consequences that make our behavior, good or bad, right or wrong. In the case of roof climbing in the winter, I decided to hire a specialist; this is because it’s dangerous. Eli might fall off the roof and hurt himself. If that happened, my whole family and the entire community would blame me. But if I fell off the roof, I would be judged to be imprudent, but not necessarily immoral. Teleology comes from a Greek word “purpose “or “end” meaning a moral philosophy in which acts are considered acceptable or right if their outcomes produces desired result such as knowledge ,growth of career, pleasure, self-interest realization, wealth, fame or even utility. Teleology assesses a behavior by looking at its consequences. Types of Consequentialism

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