The Pros And Cons Of Death Penalty

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What is death penalty? Death penalty or capital punishment is the act of killing or executing a person, who was found guilty of a serious crime, by the government. No doubt that execution is the ultimate punishment for a crime, because there is no coming back from death. 1,188 people were executed in the US from Jan. 1, 1977 to Dec. 31, 2009. At least 17,833 people are under sentence of death worldwide (as of Dec. 31, 2010). Death penalty does not deter crime also there is the possibility of conviction of innocent and lastly there is a logical alternative to death penalty which is a lifetime imprisonment without parole. Firstly, death penalty does not deter crime. There is no scientific fact or proof that nations with death penalty have lower crime rate. By…show more content…
Criminals will remain in our prisons, wasting space, time, effort, and taxpayers dollars. Death penalty is a more easy way to save up money. This issue is false and erroneous. “It’s 10 times more expensive to kill them than to keep them alive,” says Donald McCartin. According to a study by the Kansas Judicial Council, defending a death penalty case costs about four times as much as defending a case where the death penalty is not considered. In terms of costs, a report of the Washington State Bar Association found that death penalty cases are estimated to generate roughly $470,000 in additional costs to the prosecution and defense versus a similar case without the death penalty; that doesn’t take into account the cost of court personnel. Capital punishment requires more trials because a life will be taken away (Dieter, 2007).Death by execution is excessively expensive. Most people who support the death penalty believe it is more cost effective than life in prison. Perhaps at one time, when executions were swift and sure, this may have been the case by Charles m. Harris
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