Universal Moral Code

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Introduction In 2003, The Universal Moral Code was developed by Dr K.M Keith and encompasses basis universal ideas about how people should and treat each other. Within this code the following, among others, were developed: Do not lie, Do not steal, Do not cheat and Be honest and fair. During a person’s working life these are morals that most people possess. But what happens when opportunity arises to commit an act of crime? What happens when you may work alongside someone that doesn’t possess the same set of moral standards? What happens when there is a culture when you enter a workforce that has a culture of unjust behaviour? And how do people rationalise this behaviour. These questions will be explored and supporting case studies provided. Every day people are often at the centre of corruption making it difficult to single out a group of people more likely to be responsible to commit a crime in a work environment. And is it fear of punishment or the moral conscience…show more content…
Skyes & Matza (1957) identify there is evidence to support the fact that punishment is a result of delinquent behaviour and “suggests to the child that he should be more careful not to get caught.” This is also true in adults. Sometimes it is only the fear of punishment that stops most people from performing a criminal act and other times it may be the conscience circumventing that behaviour. But it can be a flip of the indicator that turns one down a different path. As Freud stated: “Evil men do what good men only dream of”. Additionally, there have been a number of courses designed to “teach” ethics, however it has been found that this can in fact help potential offenders rationalise their
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