The Importance Of Zoos

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When taking a look at zoos from a superficial standpoint, one may not question the goodness or sanctity of their intentions, as well as the effect that they have on the world. However, when taking a closer look, their perspective may be greatly influenced. It has been brought to the world’s attention that zoos may not be all they make themselves out to be. Ultimately, many have found that the world would be lost without the contiguity between animals and humans, and therefore, something should be done in order to protect this connection. And, as with most anything, people have opinions and ideas as to how they believe this problem should be solved, whether it be in favor of zoos, or against them. Those who are vehemently against zoos have an overwhelming amount of evidence to back up the reasoning for which they feel this way. Within recent years there have been numerous stories that have given zoos a bad reputation.…show more content…
In spite of complaints alluding to the statement that wild animals belong in the wild, various people have pointed out that zoos may provide better suited environments for the animals after all. As opposed to living in the wild, animals do not have to escape from predators or hunt for their food. This makes life considerably easier and less stressful for these animals, and, in some people’s opinions, makes their lives significantly better as a whole. ‘ “You’ve got a pretty good life if you’re in the San Diego Zoo,” he said. “The wild’s a rough place. There’s no vet care. There’s no regular food.” ’ (Rumbaugh, “Do We Need Zoos?” par. 41). The man in which Rumbaugh is quoting, Bruce Capin, goes on to compare zoos to the wild by using the analogy of prisons and being homeless. Much like animals in the wild, homeless people basically have to fend for themselves, but in confinement, prisoners are cared after by
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