Truth In The Film 'The China Syndrome'

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“The China Syndrome,” directed by James Bridges, is a classic film produced in the late 70s’. The plot of the movie encompasses reporter, Kimberly Wells, as she discovers a “cover-up” at Ventana Nuclear Power Plant. Wells and her cameramen work hard to “publicize the incident,” as corporations threaten them. This movie follows the incident of Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania. Situations like this put the importance of journalism into perspective. According to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, this was one of “the most serious [accidents],” the U.S. dealt with. Unlike the movie, small amounts of radiation released. The movie made clear journalists play a key role in society. Without reporters like Wells investigating, they can’t “bright to light the hidden facts,” Kovach 53.…show more content…
Truth in the context of this movie would be containing evidence that goes against the company. Had the public known about the nuclear plant mishap, they would value the source of information. Instead KXLA News chose to bury information. As a reporter, Wells has to “look at things from multiple points of views,” Kovach 32. It took her cameraman, Richard Adams’, “own reality,” of what he suspected happened at the nuclear plant for Wells to raise a few questions. Without his speculation, she would not have investigated or found out the situation is big enough for the public to know. Her bosses had “no obligation to contact the police.” It shouldn’t have to take a big situation to verify information. KXLA should lose credibility after trying to protect a corrupted California gas and electric

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