Apol 104 Critical Thinking Assignment

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Critical Thinking Assignment Apol/104 Brooke Paris June 22, 2015 Part 1: Buddhism 1. The question of Origin- Starting from roots of Hinduism circumstance Buddhism was founded. Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism who made the decision to leave Hinduism where he decided to begin a religion of his own. Gautama sought out to find his true happiness by leaving where he was comfortable to find the real importance of life by practicing such things as meditation etc. 2. The Question of Identity- “Unlike the Judeo-Christian tradition, Buddhism supports the union of all living things, all similarly possess the Buddha-nature, and all have the possibility to become Buddha’s, which is to become entirely and flawlessly tolerant,…show more content…
The Question of Meaning/Purpose- I feel as if the teaching of Buddhism openly details that all experiences in life are what makes each person individual. And is what makes defines them of who they truly are. After the effective profoundness is understood. It will allow us to open or eyes and be able to reach spiritual enlightenment. 4. The Question of Morality- Just as any other religion there are stands of what is right and what is wrong with in the Buddhist religion. The Eightfold Noble Path and the Four Noble Truths was formed to provide morality, virtue and guidelines to followers of Buddhism for that reason. 5. The question of Destiny- Reaching a state of Spiritual enlightenment is the crucial purpose for the Buddhism religion. The Buddhist believe that life is a cycle which consist of first being born, dying than being born again. Another belief that the Buddhist believe in is reincarnation, which is that your body dies but your spirit does not. Part 2- Compare and Contrast 1. Origin- As a Christian, all questions can be answered by knowing that God is real and true. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit also known as Godhead, where responsible for creating the universe and mankind, (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011). The Buddhist religion was created based on visions that lead Gautama on a quest to mind a deeper meaning of life. These can me compared because how both God and Gautama seek out in other to reach with in their inner…show more content…
Meaning and purpose of life- By believing in Jesus Christ, Christians can easily find answers to their questions. By having a personal, unique and intimate with God allows Christians to truly understand God reasoning for their life (Weider & Gutierrez, 2001). Buddhist believes that you have to understand yourself in order to truly understand your true meaning of life. Both these religions prove that it depends on you and the way you choose to commit your relationship. 4. Morality or ethics- In (Genesis 3) Adam and Eve went against Gods word. Christians believe that we are all born a sinner (Psalms 51:5).When an individual sins there is a way to repent of your sin by asking for forgiveness. The Ten Commandments helps guide us in the right direction as it is a guide for us to follow. The Guide for Buddhism is the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold truth. These two religions are similar because they have a guide to follow and each of these religions believe that these guides need to be followed to better their chances in getting to Heaven or else

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