The Importance Of The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution was a period of time between the 18th and 19th century in which communities throughout England turned urban due to a surplus of supplies. People began leaving their farms to go work in factories in the city. Throughout this time period, many technological, medical and industrial advances occurred. The Industrial Revolution created more stability than instability because without this revolution the technology and medicine we know and use today would not exist. Inventors like Samuel Morse, Henry Bessemer, Louis Pasteur, James Watt and Thomas Newcomen invented revolutionary products during the industrial era. The telegraph, invented by Samuel Morse in 1844, made it so that messages would travel more quickly from one person to another through a system of wires. This invention changed people's perception of time. Before the telegraph it would take days, weeks even months for someone to receive information, but after its creation urgent information,…show more content…
The original model created by Thomas Newcomen in 1712 was not very useful but would be very important for the industrial revolution. The idea was machinery would run on steam and therefore be more efficient. James Watt improved the steam in 1769 by making a more productive design. This model of the steam engine would power the firsts trains, steam boats and factories. Before the invention of the steam engine production around the world was extremely slow and expensive. With the steam engine demands were met and people did not have to worry about a decline in supplies. In the article “How The Steam Engine Changed The World” by Heather Whipps, it states “By the early 1800s, high-pressure steam engines had become compact enough to move beyond the factory, prompting the first steam-powered locomotive to hit the rails in Britain in 1804”, which shows how the steam engine influenced other great
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