Short Story: Save As Many As You Ruin

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Save as Many as You Ruin Through life we make some choice as humans. Some of these choices can be fatal for the rest of our lives and maybe we will regret them till the day we die. But sometimes, fate will give us a second chance. When we are granted one of these chances, we need to seize them and make sure we won’t make the same mistake again. This happens to the main character in the short-story “Save as Many as you Ruin” and he realizes the mistake he made and grabs the chance to make it up. Gerard is a man in his late 30’s who one day runs into his ex-girlfriend Laurel and has dinner with her, and afterward walks home with her. She is the only woman whom he has ever loved, but when they used to date he had sex with another woman, Issy, and she got pregnant. Laurel breaks off their relationship, and when Gerard’s daughter, Lucy, is six months old, Issy leaves them and is found dead four years later. Now he lives alone with Lucy who is now eight years old, and when Gerard comes home from Laurel’s apartment she asks if she will move in, and he tells her to wait and see. “Gerard is a handsome man”(p.1 l.34) who lives New York city “Yellow taxis are nodding through the snowy dusk. The lights from the shop windows are…show more content…
The snow is covering everything. Suddenly, after eight years he sees Laurel again in a coffee shop, and he decides to try to get her attention. He wants to make up for the past, see her again, love her again, and be with her again. The snow is a symbol of this. Just as the snow is covering the ground, it is covering his past footprints. The snow is making all his past mistakes disappearing, and making room for new footprints. “The Invisible man” which is a movie about an invisible man who is caught because of his footprints in the snow hints to what happens to Gerard. His footprints will be seen, since you can’t walk in the snow without leaving

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