The Importance Of Technology In Technology

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Think about interaction for example. In the last years, technology hasn’t simply increased our ability to interact with each other. Since the first computer was introduced in 1971, there have been several stages of progress that have done more than just increasing our interaction capabilities. The introduc- tion of new technologies in fact, has also deeply changed the way we look at an interaction, or what we consider an interaction. The change was gradual of course and many may have found difficult to notice it. To help, let us briefly go over the main technological innovations of the last fifty years. First, the Internet has changed the way people could access information. Then, the introduction of mobile devices changed where and when people…show more content…
To better understand how and why some technologies spread while others fail to do so, we have to understand the theory of diffusion of innovation [18]. This theory, proposed by Everett Rogers, tries to explain why some products (in our case technologies) make it, while others don’t. What we have to understand first, is that the quality and usefulness of the technology, aren’t the only factors in determining if it will be accepted or not by society. The process in fact, relies heavily on human capital (even more so than in the usefulness of the technology…show more content…
Think about Apple and the iPhone for example. When a customer wants to switch over from Android to iPhone, the Apple customer service personally takes care of transferring the data from the old phone to the new one. When it’s the other way around however, the user has to do it himself/herself. But this isn’t easy for everybody. Most people in fact, could find it hard enough to actually discourage them from leaving Apple and wait to buy the new iPhone rather than a new Android phone. Another company that tried to lock-in its customers, is IBM. In the early 1980s, IBM software could only be run on IBM hardware, meaning that if a user wanted to change platform (and leave IBM), he/she would also have had to buy new software and learn how to use
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