Aristotle Meaning Of Love

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• Love. In Aristotle, it is described as a broad feeling of friendship (Φιλία, or filia) rather than sexual attraction (ερως, or eros) (BINI, 2013, p. 132-133), but the card which elicits love is based on the concept of romantic/erotic love because of the important role it has been playing in Western society since the Middle Ages (ROUGEMONT, 1988). • Benevolence. In ancient Greek, the concept of ‘benevolence’ (χαρις or kharis) is very broad, meaning to wish someone well and to do good things, and also grace, favor, tolerance, agreement and reward (BINI, 2013, p. 147). Aristotle (Rhetoric, II, 7) defines this term as being helpful to someone without expecting anything in return, which is also the meaning used in this study, even though the…show more content…
Shame is a feeling described by Aristotle as the pain which an individual experiences when he acknowledges his bad actions and knows that these actions are to his discredit (Rhetoric, II, 6) or bring dishonor upon him. When the question of the card was being formulated, it was decided to change shame, which is indeed a painful and perhaps deep feeling, to embarrassment, something more casual and potentially amusing to the speakers. • Calmness. Aristotle holds that calmness is the opposite of anger. It can be related to the feeling of calming down after being annoyed or after obtaining revenge. It can also be the state of mind that come when people are “enjoying freedom from pain, or inoffensive pleasure, or justifiable hope” (Rhetoric, II, 3). The latter concept was the one used to formulate the question contained in the card of calmness. Also, calmness has been thought as opposed to stress rather than anger. • Admiration. Aristotle (Rhetoric, II, 11) writes about emulation, which is a good kind of envy. An envious man feels pain when others have things he does not or cannot have, whereas a man who experiences emulation feels pain only because he does not have the things he desires yet. Thus, emulation serves as an inspiration to an individual to achieve his goals. In this way, this concept has been used in the sense of admiration when formulating the question of the…show more content…
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