The Importance Of Public Transportation

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Public Transportation Improper bus systems in Kabul are the result of not having specific bus lines and schedule. In bus system, bus line is playing an important role. Currently, there is no distinction in the roads of Kabul city between lines for buses or other kinds of vehicles. Although buses can function in the same road as other cars, overpopulation in Kabul city needs specific line for buses to get rid of traffic problems that are mainly due to overpopulation and over vehicle that exceed the capacity of city. In the absence of enforcement of the traffic law in the country and disorder in transportation services, lack of bus contribute to this problem and make it worse. Moreover, the schedule of buses is also an important issue for having…show more content…
It is one of the most concrete solutions to solve the huge issue of citizens breaking the law. These awareness campaigns should be done throughout the whole Afghanistan with the population of every age involved. Effective strategies should be used in developing road safety awareness. As every child is a future driver, it is very important to for the schools to educate the school children with all the traffic rules and road safety mechanisms. Schools can use the help comic books for the better understating of the schoolchildren. Children should know how to use roads safely, what the basic traffic rules are, and what can be done in any case of emergency. To educate the aged population the about traffic laws, the government can use many techniques. Conducting seminars, workshops about traffic laws throughout Afghanistan can be very…show more content…
Meantime, it has affected the traffic institution as well. For instance, drivers can easily get driver licenses without giving the required tests and taking the traffic law courses in the traffic department. Citizens obtain licenses through bribe or having any approach in the departments. Furthermore, illegal vehicles from different provinces come inside the Kabul city. Based on statistical information of authorities annually almost thirty five thousand new vehicles comes to the capital city while the municipality's estimation is that now seven hundred thousand vehicles are on the narrow streets of capital, while the limit is only thirty thousand. While corruption is the major problem within the traffic system, implementation of law has its own negative effect within the city. Afghanistan does have the required traffic laws and regulations but what contributes to the existence and the persistence to exist this transportation and traffic problem is lack of authorities for apply those laws and regulations. This is because of the less number of traffic personnel and less number of patrol vehicles and personal to overcome this issue. For instance, a driver crosses the red-light, he is not caught due to the lack of traffic polices overseeing them in the
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