Public Transportation Advantages And Disadvantages

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The popularity of public transportation has spread to multiple areas in cities, producing a higher level of availability for jobs. According to Chatman and Noland,“Public transport investments may increase workers’ access to employment clusters, resulting in higher productivity from better job matching and quicker filling of vacancies”( 736). With a wider range of public transportation methods, people have a convenient way to commute to jobs that are further away or that have complicated access issues. Blumenberg and Pierce, who specialize in urban planning at UCLA have discovered that, “Having moved to a neighborhood with better transit between baseline and interim and living within 15 minutes of a bus stop both greatly raise the probability of having consistent employment”(61).…show more content…
In a model they created based off of jobs in relation to public transportation, they have found that there is a strong relationship between the two. People choose to move into cities where the option of public transportation is easily accessible for their daily commutes. Blumenberg and Pierce have found that although people may relocate to areas that have accessible transportation, it does not necessarily mean that if they are unemployed that their chances of getting employed increase (61). However, they also stated contradicting evidence since during their research they have found that low-income families and their relation to public transportation has had minor but positive effects on the economy. Residents in cities without cars who have access to transportation stops has resulted in an overall increased employment rate

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