The Importance Of Mass Communication

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As social beings the development of a mass communication channel has been inevitable as according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs “love and belonging” is ranked the third most important as ones immediate needs. This proves that ones interaction with friends and family has been a primary concern for centuries as we rely on communication to strengthen many of our relationships. As time has progressed and the world has started to shift our priorities in order to drive at a more economical pace, having face-to-face interactions has either become greatly inconvenient and often impossible thus it was only a matter of time before humans would find creative and convenient alternatives in seeking solutions for what has become a general concern. Methods…show more content…
Technology changed greatly in the 20th century, with the first super computer being invented in the 1940’s and was now capable of reading messages and enable to crack German codes during the second World War of up to 5000 characters a second. This established the potential for greater inventions as scientists and engineers started to develop and create networks that could work between those computers, this would later lead to the invention of the Internet. The earliest establishment of modern online search engines such as the Internet was CompuServe, which was launched in the 1960’s. It was the first online service provider which established the idea for more sophisticated online service development. It was also during this time that the most basic forms of emails were starting to develop. Within the 1970’s network technology rapidly improved and in 1979 UseNet was developed and now allowed users to communicate on an Internet distributed discussion…show more content…
The first and closest resemblance to modern social media was the site, Six Degrees, established in 1997. This allowed users to establish their own online profile and enabled them to make friends with other users. This established a clear niche market and a platform for alternative creative ideas of more sophisticated social media platforms. Blogging sites started to become increasingly popular in 1999, which created a social media commotion that has only become increasingly popular to date. After the invention of effective blogging, social media started to become very popular and more social platforms started to emerge as sites like MySpace and LinkedIn became commonly used in the early 2000’s and sites such as Photobucket and Flickr were developed for the use of online photo sharing. YouTube, established in 2005, created an entirely new way of viewing content and sharing videos online, creating a more intimate and effective way of social distribution
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