The Importance Of Liberty In Colonial America

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Liberty is defined as the state of being free in society without oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views. In early colonial America, liberty was seen as it was from the British perspective, one to own property, free of oppression, and free of tyranny. However this changed when in Britain you could not worship any more as one saw fit, so the move to the colonies was their best option, to start anew, in a way, so the early colonials could truly be free, this was not to last. The British King, King George lll, had other intentions, issues such as, where British soldiers could quarter in any house that they saw fit, or random searches and seizures without warrants, and taxation…show more content…
From the beginning of settlement, ambitious men and women seized the opportunities available to them to acquire Marshall Allan Herklotz History 1301.07 Professor Tritico November 23, 2015 Word Count: 1,586 substance and to demand a share of that public authority that throughout the English-speaking world had long been an attribute of substance.1 This ties right into the very beginnings of liberty and how it was getting exemplified. People during this time wanted freedom to practice whatever religion that they so desired. They also wanted to be able to own anything that they wanted without having to go through the King, his Governors, and other figures of his authority to get permission. As a result, the settler societies of colonial British America never developed the social foundations necessary for either an aristocracy or a social system of legally established ranks of social classes. Social differentiation proceeded quickly, as some families outdistanced others in the drive for material success and social achievement, because of the spreading of the population, the British officials had found that even after the crown had assumed
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