Problems In Colonial American Colonies

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Many people who immigrated to the New World want to an opportunity to start over, a chance at success, or to escape political turmoil. In the sixteenth century, many European countries were under a monarchy. For a monarchy to be efficient, the kings and queens of these monarchies had to be powerful, and many of these monarchs were. This can be seen with King Henry the VIII, and his religious persecutions, forcing many to immigrate to the New World. Though after many people landed in the New World, many of the colonies established were established under royal charters. These charters would impose political, religious, and social influences on the colonies from England. Soon the English would establish thirteen major colonies. These colonies…show more content…
Jamestown, established in 1607 in Virginia, was the first successful American colony. Then in 1624, the King revoked Virginia’s charter and made it a crown colony, where the governor was appointed by the King. By the 1670s, Virginia was experiencing class divisions between the wealthy and the poor. This division grew worse as the poor started to resent the wealthy more, especially when Governor Baker tended to favor the wealthy. Many of the Virginia colonists dissatisfied with the falling prices of tobacco and rising taxes wanted for more land. Though they couldn’t obtain anymore land due to the Governor Berkeley's Native American Policy. The colonial hunger for economic success and land finally drove them to go against Berkley’s words. This was known as Bacon’s Rebellion, led by Nathaniel Bacon. Quickly Berkeley declared Bacon a rebel. Bacon eventually captured Jamestown. The rebellion’s influence extended to the new assembly, where it passed laws that made the government more responsive towards the common people and brought an end to rapacious government holding. Though this assembly also legalized enslaving Native Americans. Bacon’s rebellion was one of the first signs of class struggles in the New World. The distrust of the wealthy and poor created social changes. For example, as the wealthy grew to distrust indentured servants, they began to import more slaves. Bacon’s rebellion as symbolized the government’s responsibility to the people. The government is supposed to help and watch over the people, instead of catering to the rich. Bacon’s rebellion gave colonists insight towards a democratic government, a government for the people. (Garraty, 43-44) (Nash,

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